Dolphin KidsDolphin Kids
Dolphin KidsDolphin Kids
Dolphin KidsDolphin Kids
Dolphin KidsDolphin Kids
Dolphin KidsDolphin Kids
Dolphin KidsDolphin Kids
Dolphin KidsDolphin Kids

Property Details and Amenities

Adults: Reg Price: $0.00  US Our Price: $0.00 US
Children: Reg Price: $85.00 US Our Price: $85.00 US
Age limitaions: For Children Ages 4-9 only
Departs from:

Dolphin Adventure Center in Nuevo Vallarta

Tour Days:  Daily except Saturday

Meet your new friends
Our program is designed to be highly educational and completely interactive but most of all, fun. After a short poolside introduction by our resident dolphin experts, kids enter the shallow shelf of our maternity pool under close supervision.

Show the love
Here, our dolphins spend time getting to know their new little human friends. Kids can pet and hug the dolphins, experiencing for themselves the unique bond that can exist between humans and these magnificent marine mammals.

Dreams come true
We keep our groups small, so kids can get as much one-on-one time with their dolphin as possible. All children dream of making friends with a dolphin - here's a rare chance to make those dreams come true.


Bottled water

What to Wear & Bring
Bathing suit
Money for souvenirs and photos


Cameras are only allowed in the guest observation area
No jewelry or sunscreen allowed
Each dolphin program is unique and based upon our groups, trainers and dolphins.
All of our programs are designed with our dolphins wellbeing in mind.